Viale C. Alleati d’Europa, 9/G
45100 Rovigo – ITALY
Local Office
Via Corfinio, 23
00183 Roma – ITALY
We provide companies and the public administration with our know-how for the design and implementation of energy-efficient buildings and MEP systems, particularly in the hard to abate tertiary and industrial sectors. Through energy efficiency measures, our customers can reduce their energy costs and thus increase the value of their assets.
The team’s synergy and interdisciplinary skills will offer a new approach to energy management.
Energy efficiency measures allow energy to be used more rationally, reducing consumption and thus energy and environmental costs for citizens, companies and public bodies. Through the Project Financing (PPP) formula, with private capital investment through Concessions or Operational Leases or PPA Power Purchase Agreements, we can carry out energy efficiency interventions and the provision of energy services with a performance guarantee (EPC Energy Performance Contract).
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