About us


We are opening up new uses of energy.


We have constantly embraced new technologies to make our solution more reliable, more affordable and more susteinable.


We work every day to improve the quality of life on the planet.

Customer centricity

The customer at the centre. AIEM has always been focused on customer satisfaction, followed by professionals with vertical expertise and fully involved in the primary objective: customer satisfaction.

Each function, activity or process is tailor-made and customised to the specific needs of Customer Care&Satisfaction.

Presence on the territory

The high mobility and presence of our works on the entire national territory allows AIEM for each of its works to have the presence of Project Manager, Site Manager and Project Engineer on the site of the works. The completeness and complementarity of the highly specialised professional profiles with long proven operational experience, represents a solid and sustainable resource for the correct and effective execution of the activities, within the contractual timeframe.

AIEM today is one of the major players in the national market of plant engineering in the sectors of Buildings, Integrated Water System, Environment, Data Centres and Infrastructures, on the strength of its proven reliability, proximity to its clients and the territories in which it operates. Drawing on and benefiting from the solidity and technical expertise consolidated over its long history, the company specialises in the design and construction of plant engineering systems with high technological content, providing turnkey solutions. Our greatest commitment is to create shared value through our technological knowhow, focusing on the use of sustainable solutions, capable of making a fundamental contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions.


Our history in the field of automation systems began in the 1980s in Rovigo; it developed through the integration of new skills and specialisations in the MEP systems sector and from 2008 acquired expertise in the Renewable Energies sector, ending in 2019 with the opening of the Energy Efficiency division.

Since 2022 AIEM has been majority-owned by one of the world’s largest institutional private equity infrastructure investment funds IMPAX Asset Management PLC and listed on the London Stock Exchange. The meeting and union of its partners allowed AIEM to outline the strategy and define the corporate path enriched and led to the solidity of a large group.

The birth

The realisation of the first industrial electrical system

Starting up experience in the renewable energy sector

Starting up experience abroad in the renewable energy sector

The realisation of the first technological plant

Opening of the Rome Local Office and Start-up of the Energy Efficiency BU

IMPAX ASSET MANAGEMENT PLC enters as majority shareholder in the capital

The group

The “AIEM Group” today consists of three companies; one AIEM Green specialised in Origination, Development and Asset Ownership of renewable energy plants, AIEM which is the builder and operator active in the 3 BUs MEP, PV and EE in the field of construction and civil works, infrastructure, telecommunications and special systems, energy and energy efficiency of assets and OMEpv a company specialised in maintenance and management of renewable assets.